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IIPCC Singapore Chapter
IP Counsel,
Head of IP at Harry Elias Partnership LLP
Esther graduated with her LLB (Hons) Law from University of Reading, UK. Thereafter, she was called to the Bar in England and a current member of the prestigious Lincoln’s Inn.
Driven by her passion for law and justice, Esther decided to join ISW in branding ISW Legal IP in 2013. Prior to joining ISW Legal IP,Esther had chambered and practiced as an associate specialising in Intellectual Property at Messrs. Rahmat Lim & Partners (in association with Allen & Gledhill). Esther values the importance ofquality services and is dedicated to give her best in all that she does.
Coming from an IP specialist background, Esther also had the opportunity to handle other general areas of practice such as banking laws & conveyancing. At the moment, she handles the housing portfolios of MRCB’s projects. Her experience in the IP field includes prosecuting patent, trademark and industrial design applications, drafting opinions and IP-related agreements such as licensing and franchising. She has experience in both criminal and civil IP enforcement which includes conducting raids and handling IP infringement actions in civil court.
Previously, she heads the IP Department in ISW Legal and itsbranch office in Kuala Lumpur. She was also a legal counsel /advisor to ISW Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd (ISW IP).
Currently, Esther is the lead IP Counsel in Singapore with EvershedsHarry Elias LLP, a global law firm, and assist the firm’s wider plan ofIP team expansion into Malaysia and Brunei.
Esther is currently the President of the International IntellectualProperty Commercialisation Council (IIPCC), Singapore chapter,the Deputy Vice President of the Singapore Digital Chamberof Commerce (SGDCC), a committee member of INTA’s AntiCounterfeiting East Asia & Pacific Sub Committee (2020 2022), amember of the Malaysian Intellectual Property Association (MIPA),International Trademark Association (INTA), Licensing ExecutivesSociety International (LESI) and also the Asian Patent AttorneyAssociation (APAA).